Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Quotes from Today

Have you ever taken note of sentences you say that are things you never thought you'd utter. Today, I decided to jot down the wierd stuff that left my mouth today. Enjoy.

"No cookies for breakfast."
"No Nilla Wafers for breakfast."
"No not pretzels for breakfast."
"Fine. Eat the chocolate Cheerios."

"Keep your bootie to yourself."
"Why are you biting that cord?!!!"
"If I see that out again, I will spank it."
"Why is Broccoli the Dog wearing a bib and a diaper?"
"Don't suck on your toe while you're watching TV."
"Electric cords are not baby toys."
"Stop licking your brother."
"Why are your panties out in the yard!?!??"
"She has pinkeye???"
"Don't slurp peaches straight out of the can. At least get a fork." (Said not to a preschooler, as you'd expect, but to a 13 year-old.)

And my personal favorite -
"Who ate the stick of butter on the counter?!"

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